I.C.S TSF Services

Ivory Coast Services is a one stop shop for TSF services. We offer our clients a range of service including HDPE pipe welding , HDPE liner welding and Geotextile sewing. We have state of the art pipe welding machine along with industrial geotextile sewing machines and generators. Ivory Coast Services uses the latest HDPE welding software and tablets to ensure critical welding parameters are managed, photographed and recorded in situ for full quality assurance of all works completed.

HPDE pipe welding GéoTextile Sewing HPDE Liner Welding Tsf Storm Drain

HPDE pipe welding

Ivory Coast Services uses its own welding machines, we can weld pipe diameter from 90mm to 315mm. We use a QAQC application on tablets so we can record our welding data in the field and download later.

GéoTextile Sewing

Ivory Coast Services have three industrial sewing machines for geotextile liner sewing. We have a trained crew to operate and maintain these machines on our projects.

HPDE Liner Welding

HDPE liner to form the outer layer of the wall using our HDPE plastic sealers.

Valve Station Construction

Ivory Coast Services completed this TSF Valve Station for Endeavour Mining at their Agbaou mine site. The station was built and then dissembled for transport to TSF before final assembly and commissioning.

I.C.S Génie Civil

I.C.S Has completed 85 000 man hours of time critical projects for various clients, on time and on budget, with ZERO incidents and ZERO accidents.